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Tenure Track

Tenure Track at TU Dortmund University

Tenure track means a binding commitment to a permanent professorship after a positive evaluation. After an initial temporary appointment with a successful probationary period, the appointment to a permanent professorship can follow.

Tenure-track professorships aim at enabling young scientists to decide earlier whether to remain in academia. This makes career paths for young scientists more predictable and transparent.

The career path of assistant professorships with tenure track is currently being significantly expanded at TU Dortmund University. In each department, promising research areas have been identified for this purpose, which are being strengthened by the establishment of tenure-track professorships. Due to the success of this concept in the federal-state program for the promotion of young scientists, TU Dortmund University has obtained funding for 15 tenure-track professorships. In the meantime, all 15 positions have been successfully filled. In addition to the funded tenure-track professorships, further tenure-track professorships have already been filled and further tenure-track procedures have been started and are planned.

Tenure Track Professorships at TU Dortmund University